Day 17: Memories

Brought the kids out to the playground this evening for a breather, and also to celebrate one of the boys’ birthdays. It definitely brought back tons of childhood memories, and even those of the dating days… 😉

How nice it was to be young and free!


Day 15: Technology

Just got back from town with Bren, and the minute I got home, sat on the couch and started missing my dear niece. Have been able to see her almost daily since the Lunar New Year celebrations began, so it made me really sad realising that it’ll be a while till the next time we meet. Tears rolled down the moment that sank in…no kidding. 😦

But that also makes me super thankful for the wonderful technology of mobile cameras – photos are captured so easily, and I can look at pictures of her anytime of the day…

This was taken by Bren:


Day 14: Movement

Thankful for nice cooling weather and a big fan at home to keep the heat away! Haha. One of the things that attracted us to our home was the good ventilation flow…so thank God for that.


And tonight is special, cos’ Bren’s paternal grandma just accepted Christ! It was a wonderful few hours spent with her, and it’s always amazing when I reflect on how God is working in our lives. Jesus is so good!

Day 13: Written Words

Doing spring-cleaning for the Lunar New Year celebrations makes me thankful for this list that has served me well for the past year. Wrote it down when we were preparing to clean up after renovation was completed, and every day after that, I pretty much follow this list of areas to clean up and it’s such a great feeling knowing that I’m covering all of it!


Sigh, I’m such a geeky clean freak. 😉