
…on a Monday night, preparing my heart for the week ahead. What better way than to remember His faithfulness over the weekend? Cooking, time with family, celebrating brother’s birthday, …all enough to make me smile for a long time.




Had an incredibly hard time these past few days, and the lowest point was on Friday morning. Rallied my brothers & sisters in Christ to cover me in prayers, as my boss & I sensed spiritual warfare, especially with my involvement in the upcoming church camp. It was a very timely & clear reminder that we are in battle, and everyday, we’ve to put on our armor of God & trust that in Christ, we are victorious!

During times like these, it’s a fight to keep things in God’s perspective, and to continue giving thanks – to give thanks in ALL circumstances. I remind myself of my word for this year – HOPE. I thank God that in Him, I truly have HOPE.

Spent some time with my family, close friends, and happily welcomed Bren home on Saturday night…how I’ve missed him.

Always something to give thanks for, no matter how dark the days may seem…for His light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it!



A little breather

Bren is leaving for another work trip this week, so it was great (and so rare!) to have some time together today before the work madness starts again.

Am learning that this is a season that he’ll be very much occupied with work, so I’ll have to adjust to it. Thankful for a capable and responsible husband, and for different people in my life that I can connect with and spend quality time with while Bren is busy.


A Mother’s Love… :)

We are all so flawed. So self-serving at times, … so very human. It’s the very reason we need His touch…His divine, life-transforming touch, that works deep in our lives & transforms us inside-out, like no makeover ever can. Because it’s e Spirit’s work, and it’s amazing…..

Had such a special Mother’s Day weekend, and it’s still fresh in my mind. A weekend filled with so much laughter and honesty, so many flawed words & actions…and so much of His overwhelming grace.

Sensing that it was a weekend of rest & restoration was one thing; actually experiencing His Hand of restoration was yet another altogether.

Restoration of our bodies, restoration of relationships, restoration of how we view things in life…restoration of our image of our Heavenly Father. Our sacrificial and unconditional love from our Super-Loving Heavenly Father. Lord, I can only say thank you. :*)

So much can be said about a mother’s love. So much tangible things can be experienced from a mother’s love. Personally, I’ve been so blessed with my own mother’s extravagant love that I can’t ever express thanks enough…

But God is Love. And His Love is beyond what we can ever imagine. The source & motivation of a mother’s love – a parent’s love – comes from Him, whether we realise it, or not. For He is the source of all things, and He is LOVE.

This Mother’s Day, I’m immensely grateful for the deep work He is doing in my life, as well as in the lives of my loved ones. Though it may be painful at times, painfully raw and honest and heart-wrenching at times…I’m grateful that He uses every bit – nothing is ever wasted. He makes our lives into something so beautiful, so deeply ingrained in His love…I’m filled with wonder, and all glory is ascribed to Him alone.


So…what do YOU do?

I once had an ex-volunteer give me a quizzical look when I told her I was still working in church.

“You mean, you’re still there??”

It was all that was needed to send some nasty doubts into my thoughts. Doubts that didn’t need to be there.

As long as God doesn’t call me out to the next area, my next portion, my only calling is to faithfully fulfill whatever He is calling me to do.

But – what do I do? What do I really do?

Well…..I’m blessed with a very sweet & wonderfully amusing niece, and I spend a fair bit of time playing with her, especially on Sundays when we bring her to Sunday school. Now that she’s 3, we’re progressively helping her to be more independent, so I’ll wait for her outside in the middle of class, after she is more comfortably settled in. I like to work with less-privileged families, especially children, and I pray that every small bit of effort my team puts in, will make a difference in their lives. But what I’m really passionate about is really just having my loved ones smile….and spending good quality time with them, while they’re still around. To always treasure & love them, and to create memories that we’ll savor in years to come.

Yup, that’s what I do. 🙂

Labor Day weekend




Had a very fruitful yet relaxing time these past days. Was a welcome respite since I was still recovering from the flu bug. Called in pizza one evening for Bren and I since I’d a birthday discount…bumped into parents in town on another night when I waited for Bren to end work…and spent a fun time with Carol shopping & catching up over dinner + desserts on Labor Day break.

She has been instrumental in many aspects of my life, and it’s funny how she even cares about the colors in my wardrobe. As she excitedly placed clothes on me to try, exclaiming, “see, so nice!” and sharing with me what was on promotion at H&M…..I couldn’t help but take it all in as one huge blessing from God, one that I must never take for granted. It was her wedding anniversary too, and it was special spending it together like that. A little strange, but very very nice. 🙂

Today, am going to take it slow…and have a quiet day in. Bren is working, and will buy dinner back for us. Am probably going to take an afternoon nap soon…

Blessed weekend!